"It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the ones who are most responsive to change" - Charles Darwin
Before embarking on an organisational change process, I am sure you would ask yourself the following questions: What do we want to achieve with this change process, why, and how will we know that the change has been achieved? Who is affected by this change and how will they react to it? How much of this change process can we achieve ourselves and what parts of the change process do we need help with?
Our approach is very much focused on the Five factors for successs
However we also never forget your people who have to respond to constant change; their concerns, their fears, their resistance, their capability, knowledge & skill.
We have extensive experience both as managers facilitating change in organisations, consultants working on change projects and as individuals on the receiving end of both effective and inneffective change initiatives.
We can work with you to ensure change is productive, cathartic & energising. Talk to us about it now. E mail or call for more information and to discuss your requirements